Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Exceptional Exceptions

Of the several previously mentioned students with exceptionalities, two really stood out as needing modifications in the school room to enable them to succeed. Alex has a lot of trouble staying on task, but when he does get down to it REALLY dislikes disturbances. To accommodate him, the teacher has set up a project table where he can go to work on his papers/tests/reading without worry of having a wiggly or otherwise distracting neighbor. The teacher would then ensure that he knew exactly how much time was left so he didn't have a melt down when it came time to put things away and do a different activity.

Betty, on the other hand, needed to have a student next to her who was ahead of the curve and could explain and reexplain things when Betty got lost. Long lists of instructions are lost on Betty and she does not much care to have an adult speaking to her in a one on one situation, due to her previous abuse. It has been found however that one of several children in the classroom can help bring her potential out as they have a good grasp on being able to break things down more simply for her than the teacher could. She's happy and tries, but just doesn't get the harder subjects... or any subject, really... without someone holding her hand every step of the way.