Tuesday, July 15, 2014

The hardest hat a teacher wears.

Teachers play a lot of different, and challenging roles. I think the hardest role they play, or in other words the hardest hat they wear, is one of truly caring about their students.

Let me explain, I have seen my wife in tears countless times in worry about one or more of her students. Whether it be a student who has difficulty learning, a student who is bullied or a bully, or a student with a hard life at home, my wife is empathetic to them and their needs and wants solely to help them. Where is the line drawn between caring and caring too much? Who and what can she let go of? This is an answer we have yet to come up with.

A teacher, as I have seen, Loves their children. Loves them and wants the best for them. A teacher thrills in their students' successes and wallows in the students' defeats. I've seen my wife wrack her brain repeatedly to find ways to alternatively teach a lesson. I have also seen her worry over the best way to reach a troubled student.

Honestly, I think empathy, sympathy, and love are the hardest things a teacher has to juggle.


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