Sit Down and SHUT UP!
(Obviously the title is meant to be humorous instead of factual)
Classroom management is an issue that i saw very well, and very poorly handled at Cherry Creek. SOme teachers had no control over the behavior of their students and others had such well-behaved classrooms that I thought they must have been slipping benedryl into the water fountains.
My wife has simple classroom rules, but the kids know that they are to adhere to them. The best part about it is that the rules are developed by the students the first day of class. This past year it boiled down to 4: Be respectful; have fun; try your best; always listen to the teacher. That is all that they have to remember. Simple. The beauty of it is that other aspects of classroom behavior fall under these simple rules: Don't call out answers instead of raising your hand; walk quietly in the hallway; whisper when you need to talk to your neighbor. The kids police themselves a great deal as well.
If, for example, someone calls out there is usually a hissed "raise your hand" and the offender raises their hand. If they are noisy in the hallway the line leaders take care of it because the line leaders (switched every day) get rewarded for handling their lines well. That was the other thing that I liked, the reward system was based on line leaders, lunch leaders and materials leaders. Every day the roles would change and whichever leader was the most efficient and quiet in getting their job done would get points to be used on various rewards.
There are other things that I may implement but her methods worked well for her and her students were well behaved and clearly knew what was expected of them.